Thursday, December 6, 2012

39 weeks!

39 Weeks + 1 Day today.  No comparison pics this time, as this is officially the latest me-being-pregnant-photo that exists at this point!

I had a doctor's appointment today....nothing too eventful to report.  Still just at 1-2 cm, no contractions.  By this point last time around, Shane was already 1 week old (he was born at 38 weeks).  And Meredith was actually born right at 39 weeks.  Granted, I was induced (for different reasons each time) with both of them, but I was 3-4 cm. dilated before each of those inductions.  I have to admit that I am surprised that I am not further along, progress-wise!  I went into labor naturally with Caleb and he was born 3 days before his due date.  It's so interesting how each pregnancy can be so different. 

My doctor prefers not to let her patients go past 40 weeks, so if baby doesn't come before next Wednesday (my actual due date - 12/12 - also Kris' birthday), I will be induced that morning - I have the appointment scheduled, but I am really hoping to go into labor before then.

As ready as I am to meet this precious girl, I am okay if she hangs out inside for a bit longer.  I am still feeling pretty good (though heartburn is making it difficult to fall asleep at night).  And, there's of course something very special about carrying her inside of me.  I am glad that I still feel great, so that I can enjoy these last precious days of pregnancy, and so that I can enjoy more time with just my 3 other little ones.  And, Caleb has his school Christmas program on Saturday, which I really don't want to miss!

Stay tuned!


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