Thursday, September 6, 2012

What's For Dinner? Weeks 36 & 37: Grilled Balsamic Bruschetta Chicken & Chicken and Wild Rice "Soup"

 Grilled Balsamic Bruschetta Chicken....this was quite yummy.  I actually grilled it on the outdoor grill, instead of on a grill pan inside as she suggested.  And, I marinated the chicken for about 5 hours in the olive oil/balsamic vinegar combo instead of just brushing it on while grilling.  It turned out really good.  Click here for the original recipe.  It was easy, and yummy (we love the tomato/basil combo).

Grilled Balsamic Bruschetta Chicken
Not sure what I did wrong with this next one....but, the crock pot "soup" ended up less soup-like, and more casserole-like.   I followed the directions (click here for recipe), or at least I thought I did!  Anyway, no soup for us!  It tasted fine....we just ate it on plates with forks, instead of in bowls with spoons.  It reminded me of this dish that we tried a couple of months ago, but not nearly as good.  So, unless I can figure out how to make this one into an actual soup, I don't think I'll be making it again.

Chicken and Wild Rice Soup Casserole


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