My original goal was to wait a little while before sharing the big news regarding our baby's gender with everyone.
But, who was I kidding...I am not sure what possessed me to even imagine that I could keep it a secret. I am just so excited, I can't hold it in! Having the chance to find out our little one's gender this morning was such a blessing!
Caleb went with us to the ultrasound appointment today (thank you to our good friend Shauna, who stayed with the other 3, in addition to her 2!), and he was extremely intrigued by the entire process. He had a lot to say throughout, and had lots of questions. He was a little confused about why he couldn't actually see the baby (don't worry, Buddy, even Momma has a hard time understanding those ultrasound images!). He also seemed to think that the doctor should just open up my tummy so that we could all see the baby that way...hmm, that would have been interesting.
We got a good report from the ultrasound tech....from what she could see, everything with our little one looks healthy and is developing appropriately. Thank you, Lord!
Well, on to what I know you all really want to know (although I bet some of you skipped the previous text to get right to the video, right?!)'s a very brief, but very special, announcement of our news! (Oh, and please ignore the food on C's face...he was eating lunch.)
That's right! God is blessing our home with another little boy! We are so excited for Caleb and Meredith to have a little brother, and we can't wait to meet him!
The little guy was not in a great position for a photo shoot, so we were unable to get any really great ultrasound images on film. But, if you are a mother, and have ever had an ultrasound picture taken of your in-utero baby, you can totally understand me when I say that no matter how awkward an ultrasound photo can look, you cherish it as if it is the most well-taken photo out there!
That being said, here's a couple of pictures taken of our precious boy this morning, at just a couple of days shy of 20 weeks!

Baby Boy, you are very loved already!
But, who was I kidding...I am not sure what possessed me to even imagine that I could keep it a secret. I am just so excited, I can't hold it in! Having the chance to find out our little one's gender this morning was such a blessing!
Caleb went with us to the ultrasound appointment today (thank you to our good friend Shauna, who stayed with the other 3, in addition to her 2!), and he was extremely intrigued by the entire process. He had a lot to say throughout, and had lots of questions. He was a little confused about why he couldn't actually see the baby (don't worry, Buddy, even Momma has a hard time understanding those ultrasound images!). He also seemed to think that the doctor should just open up my tummy so that we could all see the baby that way...hmm, that would have been interesting.
We got a good report from the ultrasound tech....from what she could see, everything with our little one looks healthy and is developing appropriately. Thank you, Lord!
Well, on to what I know you all really want to know (although I bet some of you skipped the previous text to get right to the video, right?!)'s a very brief, but very special, announcement of our news! (Oh, and please ignore the food on C's face...he was eating lunch.)
That's right! God is blessing our home with another little boy! We are so excited for Caleb and Meredith to have a little brother, and we can't wait to meet him!
The little guy was not in a great position for a photo shoot, so we were unable to get any really great ultrasound images on film. But, if you are a mother, and have ever had an ultrasound picture taken of your in-utero baby, you can totally understand me when I say that no matter how awkward an ultrasound photo can look, you cherish it as if it is the most well-taken photo out there!
That being said, here's a couple of pictures taken of our precious boy this morning, at just a couple of days shy of 20 weeks!

Baby Boy, you are very loved already!