I was recently searching online for some good children's book ideas to read to the kids along with the Fall craft projects I have in mind to do with them (well, mostly with Caleb at this point) over these next months.
And, while it is very easy to find books about Fall, Autumn, pumpkins, Thanksgiving, leaves, etc...I was really hoping I could find some books on these topics that were written by Christian authors, with a Christian focus.
In my search, I came across this blog that so far, I am loving! It is called Christian Children's Book Review....written "for moms, by moms". Here's a quick tidbit from their profile:
We're Christian moms who not only love books, but love helping our kids learn to love books - and the Lord. This blog is our ministry, started because we couldn't find a comprehensive website of Christian children's picture book reviews. We hope you find it useful.
You can search for books by topic (ie: Autumn), by age (ie: preschoolers), or by author (ie: Max Lucado).
Each new Book Review gives you a picture and description of the book, along with the reviewer's likes/dislikes of the book, an overall rating, age appeal designation, and publisher information. And, while most books they review are Christian books, they do have some reviews for more "mainstream" books as well.
While I haven't spent a lot of time looking around the site yet, I am really liking what I see. I am not sure if it is the teacher in me, or the mother in me, or just the meghan in me, but I could spend all day looking through a site like this, concocting "lesson plans" in my head! I am really excited to use this as a resource from this point on. While there may be other (better?) such sites out there, I have not found anything quite like it. If you know of any other similar sites, please share...feed my habit! =)
Click here for their website:
Christian Children's Book Review