Monday, December 27, 2010

Shane's 1st Week

What a week for a baby to be born! In just 1 week of life, Shane has met lots of family members (grandparents, aunts, uncles, great-aunts, great-uncles, cousins, 2nd cousins, etc.) and some of Mommy's and Daddy's friends. He has been to church and "watched" his first Christmas program. He has celebrated Christmas. He has been to the doctor twice and done very well on several car rides.

This boy is absolutely precious. He is still quite sleepy most times, but recently has had more stretches of alertness. He loves to look into Mommy's and Daddy's eyes and enjoys the mobile in his crib. He has no problem sleeping through the loudness that comes from his big brother and sister, and even seems to enjoy the everyday activity around here. Which is good, because we plan on keeping him around! =)

We went to the doctor today for a quick check-up, and he is doing great. He is gaining weight, and eats very well, though I often have to wake him up to feed him!

We are loving this sweet boy, and I am already a bit sad that his first days have passed. I know, I am such a sap. Seriously, though...these first days of life are unlike any other.

Last moments in the hospital...

Ready to go home!

Bundled up...

We came home on last Tuesday night, but my mom kept the big kids until Wednesday. As soon as they got home, they were so excited to see Baby Shane...

Meredith loves her "bay-beee", and is working on learning how to be gentle. =)

Caleb has been so wonderful with Shane. He is constantly making sure he is okay, and when he cries, Caleb always tries to make him feel better.

Since I wasn't able to make it out to our "Girls' Night" last Wednesday, all the girls came over with dinner instead...what a blessing to have such wonderful friends!

Meredith checking on Baby Brother...

He loves to be swaddled...

Today...1 week old.

Grumpy face. =)

**See below for our Christmas post.**


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