Thursday, May 28, 2015

Field Trip & Concert

The end of the school year always seems to be the busiest!  My calendar is my extra-special friend lately as our days (and evenings) are jam-packed. With overlapping sports, parties, trips, and gifts to buy, these last few weeks of school can be a bit daunting.  I am doing my best to take it one day at a time.  Today was a busy yet special one.  I chaperoned C's field trip to a local nature preserve to learn about bugs in the morning and then Meredith had her Kinder concert tonight.  Both activities were fun and it's so special to get glimpses of what my kiddos are up to during the days while they are at school. 

 2nd Graders to Timber Trails!


 Look closely...see the turtles?


Look closely.  See the tiny flying insect going in for a landing?



Concert Time!


 Her concert was so fun! All of the songs were farm-themed.  The title of the program was E-I-E-I-Oops. :)  Meredith, along with the other kiddos were all super into it and it was the most fun kiddo concert I've been to yet.  No offense of course to all the other ones. ;)

Sadly, after about 40 seconds of video on my phone, I ran out of storage.  Oops.  But here is a taste of these cutie-patootie performers!

And some still shots...we were pretty far back so clarity isn't great, but you can see our girl front and center!

 So proud!

 Daddy unfortunately had a client meeting tonight so he missed the show.  But Grandma and Grandpa came and Meredith was so happy!

 DQ as a special treat after the show...


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