Saturday, April 26, 2014

Kinder Preview

Yesterday, we took Meredith to her Kindergarten preview day.  We got to see her school, her classroom, and meet the Kindergarten teachers.  While Meredith and some other soon-to-be-Kindergartners listened to a story, played, and did a craft, the parents sat in on an informative presentation about what to expect next year and how to get the little ones ready for their 1st big school year.

About a month or so ago, we were informed that our base school isn't going to offer half-day Kindergarten (due to most families preferring full day), and if we still wanted to stick with half-day, she can be bussed to another district school (that is thankfully only 1/2 mile from our base school). For a gazillion reasons (that I'll refrain from blabbing on about here) Kris and I prefer half day (at least for now!).  But on the other hand, we aren't crazy about having our two elementary kids at two different schools.  Anyway, we ultimately made the decision to stick with half day, and while I feel confident in that decision (for those gazillion reasons I am not blabbing on about here), I will also confidently admit that I am sad that Caleb and Meredith will be at different schools.  Thankfully it's only for this 1 school year, and we know lots of families who will be in the half-day program at this other school (including a few that are in our same situation and will have older siblings at our "base school").  

During our afternoon visit yesterday, I was overcome with lots of emotions.  I can't believe that our Meredith is going to be heading off to Kindergarten!  This is actually the first time we will be doing traditional school for Kinder, since I home schooled Caleb for his Kindergarten year.  Part of me wants to go back to the school office and ask for the registration forms back and keep her home for 1 more year.  But a bigger part of me is very pleased with how Caleb's first year in public school has gone, thus making me very excited for Meredith to experience something similar.   And if you know Meredith at all, you will know how incredibly eager she is for this next step.

Before we left for her preview yesterday, I snapped a few pictures...don't mind the lighting/shadows.  It was crazy sunny in our front yard and I didn't pay too much attention to where she was standing.

 And, later on in the day, we took a few chickies outside for fresh air and some running space.  Meredith loves these animals.  We call her our little chicken mama!

Despite my pleading with my little girl for her to stop growing up so fast, the days are just zooming by.  I am so thankful for our Meredith Grace and am so excited for what's next.


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