Monday, April 21, 2014


 This Easter was a great one.  It's especially wonderful to see the kids coming to a greater understanding of who Jesus is, and the significance of His sacrifice for us.


It was 2 Easters ago that Caleb prayed to ask Jesus to come into his heart, and this past Good Friday Caleb took communion with us in "big church" for the first time.   Knowing that communion would be served that night, both Kris and I had some great conversations with Caleb about what communion is and who should take it.  Our church had emailed parents a guide to use as a reference if needed.  It was special to have some great talks with Caleb over these past few days.  Our sweet boy is growing up...with that comes some sadness for sure, but it's absolutely incredible to be in the front row as he learns and develops into an amazing kid.

Made his day to wear shorts to church.
  We went through the Resurrection Eggs this week and as we reviewed each night, I was blown away by how much the kids seem to comprehend, each in his or her own little person way.  They've had no shortage of Easter teachings at church over the past several weeks (weekend church and Tuesday morning church!) which have also been a great help.  They're getting it.  While they still fight and disobey and whine (who doesn't, right?), I have no doubt that God will keep each of them close and ultimately bring them each into a relationship with Himself.

He was freezing...hence, the "constipated" look.
She was also pretty cold, but used it to her advantage to pose pretty cutely.
Definitely not the greatest of our little cutie, but this was the ONLY one of her smiling.
  So as not to forget the reason we celebrate Easter (bunny who?) I decorated the main entryway of our house with some reminders...;)

Our front foyer table...


 Powder room...


 Easter Morning...I don't think I have to reiterate the difficulties of getting 4 small children to smile (and I'm talking about a nice normal smile here) simultaneously.

 Easter Baskets!

After church, we went our to my mom's and dad's, and the weather was was so great to be outside!  My parents had an egg hunt ready for the kids as soon as we arrived and they had a blast hunting for eggs in the yard.

Love this.  Little Princess and her Secret Service Dad.


 Norah loves exploring.  She spent a good amount of time today wandering the yard and "sweeping"...

 The boys are into Star Wars right now.  My parents' yard is perfect for them to chase each other around with light sabers.

 Here comes Shane!

 My Jedi Knights...

 And, my silly girl!

Happy Easter!


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