Friday, June 21, 2013

He Did It!

No more training wheels!


 This week, Caleb has mastered the art of riding his 2-wheeler without his training wheels.  He has been wanting to accomplish this for quite a while, and he is so excited that he can now do it.

 Daddy & Grandma both worked with him to help him learn, and on Monday night, he took off.  Literally.

He now doesn't need any help from us to go for a ride, and while a small part of me once again mourns this whole growing-up thing, I am thrilled for him.

He is very excited to get a bigger bike.  He has needed a new one, as he outgrew this one last Fall, but we wanted to wait until he learned to ride without the training wheels before getting a larger one.  

This has been such an exciting year of growth for this firstborn of ours.


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