Saturday, November 27, 2010

O Christmas Tree

We put up and decorated our tree today. This is just our 2nd year having a real tree, and I am really hoping that I can keep it alive through Christmas!

Caleb really had a great time decorating this year. He loved looking at each ornament, especially the ones that he made last year, or the ones that have his name on it. He enjoyed finding spots for them on the tree, even if a lot of them ended up in one small section! His favorite part, just like last year, was getting on Daddy's shoulders to put the star on top.

Meredith enjoyed it a bit, but preferred to play most of the time! Understandable. =)

After the tree was decorated, we drank hot chocolate and watched our first Christmas movie of the year: The Very First Noel. If you have little ones, I really recommend this movie, by the way! While Meredith didn't have any hot chocolate, she did enjoy (really enjoy!) some mini marshmallows!

Caleb and Aunt Heidi reading earlier today...

Uncle Kyle helping Kris secure the tree...

Meredith testing out the branches...

His favorite...

All done!

The ornaments that the kiddos picked out this year...



What's better than hot chocolate and a movie?

She really liked the marshmallows...

We are all looking forward to taking the next weeks to celebrate God's greatest gift to us - His Son!


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