Sunday, April 5, 2009

What a Week

As mentioned in our previous post, our house has pretty much been "germ-city" over this past week. While Caleb has been recovering very well, thanks to eye drops for his pink eye and antibiotics for his double ear infection, I, on the other hand, have not been quite as fortunate!

Tuesday night, I came down with pretty bad pink eye in both eyes. I thought I had done such a good job of "protecting" myself and the house from Caleb's infection. I guess I didn't do good enough! We were at at friend's house when I noticed the first signs of it and my wonderful friend Katie took me to Walgreen's to get a prescription for eye drops that my OB called in, while Kris and Katie's husband Marc finished their game of poker. =)

The eye drops helped, and over the next 3-4 days, my eyes began to clear up, thankfully. Unfortunately, the rest of me wasn't clearing up so well.

Yesterday (Saturday), I got a call from my doctor, and he told me that although the throat culture they had done on Tuesday came back negative for strep throat, it was positive for haemophilus influenza. Lovely. Because I hadn't been getting any better, he decided to put me on an antibiotic to kill all of that yucky bacteria. After double checking with my OB that the medicine was okay for me to take, I started that yesterday, and already feel a bit better.

I have also managed to get a subconjunctival hemorrhage in my eye, most likely from all the coughing I have been doing. Basically, a blood vessel beneath the clear part of my eye has broken, and the white part of my eye is bright red as a result of the bleeding. Again, lovely. While the term "subconjunctival hemorrhage "sounds awful, and my eye looks horrible, there should be no lasting damage to my vision, and there is no pain, thankfully. However, please know that if you see me over the next week or so, you might be a bit scared. I won't take offense if you can't look at me directly. =)

Kris has been in New York since Thursday for a work conference, so we spent most of the weekend at my parents'. My wonderful mother picked Caleb up on Thursday morning so that I could relax and rest all day Thursday...I joined them in Roscoe on Friday. I am so thankful to have family close by, and that they are so willing to help out when needed. It helps that they absolutely adore their charming grandson. =)

Anyway, all of that to get to a couple of cute pictures. While at my mom and dad's house, Caleb got to help with some yard work. Here are some photos from that.

I am back to work tomorrow after missing every day last week but Monday. Hopefully my kids are not too disturbed by my "bleeding eye"!


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