Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cookie Helper

Caleb loves to help (I would imagine that most kids at this age do). He likes to sweep, vacuum, help with the laundry, and even wipe up spills! I can only hope and pray that as he grows up, this won't fizzle out. We'll see....=)

Today, Caleb helped me bake cookies.

Watching the mixer spin....he loved this part!

Checking out the chocolate chips before pouring them in...

He did it! And not a single chip fell to the floor!

Mixing the chocolate chips in...

The finished product...

Taste test...

Here he said "Mmmmm" after an initial taste...

Caleb doesn't like chocolate very much (he doesn't get this from Mommy). In fact, he is not a big fan of sweets at all, which is fine with me! He liked the first bite of the cookie, but when he got to a chocolate chip, he wasn't too pleased...and, that was it. He didn't want any more.

And of course, since I didn't want to waste that cookie, I sacrificed and ate it for him. =)


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