Thursday, August 18, 2016

Phone Photo Dump 53

I had been trying to think of a way to display some pictures in the girls' room....I saw this old window (from a late 1800s home!) for sale on our garage sale site for $8.  Done and done.

 Sharing a milkshake at 2toots.

 Homemade Play dough cookies...

 Norah was playing with play dough on the porch...the big kids couldn't resist joining.


 Play dough castle.

 Fell asleep up watching some late-night Olympics...

 Dancing at the Progressive Dinner...

 Party hair.

 Finished a craft she was gifted for her birthday...

 Norah, who doesn't always love having our extra kiddos in the house, loooves baby N.

 More sillies.

 I'm going to miss my days with all of these faces when they go back to school next week!

 Sweet N.


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