Monday, February 1, 2016

Phone Photo Dump 41

Sweet 2 month old baby P....our latest addition.

 He requires lots of this....:)

 The kids love him.  Here, Caleb is snuggling him and Shane is showing him his class "pet"...don't mind the pink blankie...I've since purchased some not-so-girly ones! :)


 Such big helpers!


Daddy working late + free kids meals at Colonial = dinner OUT!


 Poor Norah girl had a really bad case of Hand/Foot/Mouth last week, with rashy bumps all over her face, legs, and arms....


Finally, after about 8 days, her rash is finally almost gone and we've re-entered society.

The Bug.

 Reading books about Racoons with Ricky the Racoon, Shane's class "pet"...

Sleepy sister.  Saturday was a busy one - Judson alumni game for me and then games for Caleb and Meredith later on...this sweet one was wiped.


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