Sunday, February 15, 2015


Throughout the month of February, the kids have the opportunity to take After School Enrichment classes.  They are low-cost and fun classes/activities at the school and they help make the winter pass a bit more reasonably!  So far, Meredith has taken a craft class, soccer, cookie-making and dance.  Caleb has a few lined up over the next two weeks, including basketball, which I am teaching (Meredith is taking this one also!).  This past week, Caleb took a 2-day taekwondo class and the instructors were kind enough to invite the kids to join them for a Saturday morning "ceremony" of sorts.  It was fun for us to watch, and Caleb did a great job.  He really enjoyed it!


Yelling "YES SIR!"

Ha!  Making his most intense "tiger" face!

 What he was most looking forward to...breaking a board!


It broke into 3!  Nice work!


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