Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Progressive Dinner: Fiesta

 We had a progressive dinner this past weekend with 2 other families on our street.  We did one last year around this time and one over the summer...it's becoming tradition!  The theme for this one was Mexican Fiesta.  We hosted the entree portion of the night....I put together a taco bar and made enchiladas (I forgot to take food pictures).  But prior to the entree, we enjoyed appetizers at one home.  And after dinner we went to another home for dessert.  It was a fun night for us and the kids - they were looking forward to this for weeks!

Our hall sign
 Kids' table...


 Adult table...I was able to make use of the place mats that were given to us as a wedding gift by a friend who is a missionary in Mexico.

1st Stop: appetizers and dancing!

 Getting ready for The Mexican Hat Dance!

 The kids danced around the hat until their name was called, at which point they put the hat on and danced in the middle of the circle!

 And, some freeze-dance is always a must with this crowd...

Finally, a game of "Hot Pepper" (like hot potato)...

 2nd Stop:  our home for dinner, play, and pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey.

This kid cracks me up.  He got his shirt wet at one point and had to change.  This is what he picked to wear!
 Final Stop: dessert, a pinata, and more play!


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