Saturday, February 14, 2015

Heart Day 2014

 We started the morning with some little gifts for the kiddos...stuffed doggies and candy!

Everyone was still a little sleepy, but they loved coming down to these little surprises.

 We then headed to Country Donuts to cash in a gift certificate we got way back in September!

 After a stop at Starbucks for Kris & I, the kids humored me with a little living-room-photo-shoot.  They wanted their doggies in the pics and it turned out pretty cute! :)  Although, getting a good shot of all 4 of them was virtually impossible today! Thankfully I got some cute solo pics.







 Later on in the morning, we headed to a local Taekwondo center, where Caleb was able to culminate the after school experience he had this week.  Stay tuned for a separate blog post soon.

Back home, time for lunch!  I broke out all the heart cookie-cutters of course!  Cheese quesadillas, cinnamon-raisin toast, berries and apples. 

 The rest of the day was spent playing games and watching Charlie Brown Valentines shows.  We ditched naptimes in lieu of playtimes, and it's been a really fun and relaxing day for everyone.  For dinner, we had homemade pancakes (chocolate chip & plain), strawberries, scrambled eggs and bacon...I attempted to make the bacon heart-shaped and while the kids did recognize my efforts, they also offered their critiques, mostly concerning the bottom tips of the hearts that were too rounded!

  Kids are now in bed.  Not asleep, mind you, but in bed! ;)  Kris ran out to get a Redbox and we are going to settle in and enjoy the quiet.  My heart is full right now.  Very, very full.


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