Monday, August 26, 2013

Six Years Old

 Caleb is 6 today.  Six.  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.  That's how many birthdays he has officially had.  That's incredible (to this biased Momma at least).

Hallway Sign
Caleb is amazing. The moment he was born, our lives literally changed.  In that exact second I went from being just a baby maker/baby baker/baby deliverer to a mom.  The moment he took his first breath of this world's air is one I'll never forget.  I admittedly have an awful memory, but the moments surrounding Caleb's birth day are ones I remember very clearly.  All of our children are equally special, of course.  But there's something extraordinary about that very first moment one becomes a mommy.

Caleb made me a Momma.  Poor kid, being the first child and all, has had to undergo lots of parental experimentation.  As it goes with most first children (me included, I imagine), he's been our "guinea pig", and as much as we try not to make it that way, there's sometimes no way around it.  Sometimes I have to ask his forgiveness for the unrealistic expectations I have of him (he is just a little kid after all) and sometimes I have to remind myself that the things I am learning as a Mom (ahem, my shortcomings) don't have to take themselves out on him.

Caleb is an incredible kid.  He is sweet, sensitive, and a loving big brother.  He is amazingly helpful and very caring.  He is energetic and social.  He is friendly and imaginative and creative and smart.  He loves to build and create and play.  He loves to play Superheroes and Detective.  He is really starting to love sports, not just playing them but watching them on TV as well.  He is constantly making up games (and the rules to go along with them) and loves when his siblings or friends are around to play.  He loves 1st grade so far, seriously loves it.  He loves ice cream and chocolate chip cookies, but never protests eating veggies.  He enjoys coloring and painting and drawing and never wants me to throw anything away (boxes, tape rolls, etc.) because he is sure that he can use it all to create something fantastic, usually a jet pack or a machine.

This past year has been a big one....he has completed Kindergarten and with that learned to read and add and minus and all those other great Kidner-type things.  He has learned to ride his bike without training wheels.  He has memorized countless Bible verses and has become a lover of Legos.  He has matured in ways that I have to admit I was a little unsure he'd ever mature in!  He has accepted Jesus into his heart (technically that happened 2 Easters ago, when he was still 4 1/2) and I am constantly amazed at the truths of God that he is able to understand in his little boy mind.  He has adjusted very well to lots of changes - a new house, a new church, new school, and new friends.  We couldn't be more proud of our sweet firstborn.

Birthday Door with 6 balloons!

More decorations!
 I was a little bit sad about him having to go to school today.  This is the first instance when one of our kiddos had to be away from us on their birthday.  I realize this is a fact of life (especially for those non-summer birthday kids), but it just seems weird that it's his birthday and we can't celebrate all day!

Note in his lunchbox
 As is becoming tradition, Daddy took Caleb out for breakfast this morning (they had to get up extra early to get there and back before the bus!).  Kris also took him to see the new movie Planes yesterday at the theater.  They both loved the movie, and Caleb was proud to admit that he ate a "whole tub of popcorn!"

My big boy.

After school, we went to the pool.  Daddy met us after work and we stayed until way past dinner time. 

 When we got home, we had hot dogs for a late dinner (birthday boy's request) with corn on the cob & fruit salad and then Popsicles for dessert.  We sang "Happy Birthday", and although there were no candles to blow out (Popsicles was his dessert of choice), he still made a wish...he said "I wish for us all to be friends forever."  That's our Caleb.


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