Monday, August 12, 2013

Norah - 8 Months Old

Our Norah is 8 months old today!

She has had quite a month.  One of the most significant milestones was getting her first teeth (2 on the bottom).  Can you see 'em?!

She has also learned a lot this past month...she army crawls pretty proficiently (so begins - again - the days of baby proofing), and eats a lot of table food (turkey, watermelon, and green beans are among her faves).

Oh....and she claps.

We didn't think it was possible, but Norah just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter.  Of course she has some fussy moments, and the teething process was not fun for her (or us), but my goodness this girl is a doll.  We are so thankful for her.  She was the perfect addition to our family.



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