Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Yesterday, we met up with my family downtown. We spent the afternoon at the Chicago Children's Museum, and then had dinner at Bacino's. We spent the night down there as well and played a couple games of Celebrity (and, I'll go ahead and add here that Kir and I won BOTH games!). This morning, we bundled up and walked up and down Michigan Avenue before heading home. We had a great time, especially since Kirsten and Evangeline are in town!

getting ready to go...(not sure why the picture couldn't flip)...

At the Museum

fire engine...

enjoying time with family...

"collecting" nuts and bolts...

playing in water...

building a fort...


our little paleontologist...

taking daddy for a ride on a CTA bus...

making eggs and pancakes...

meredith did a lot of this while we were there...

she woke up long enough to "pose" for a shot...

and to "play" for a bit...

evangeline and meredith chilling at the hotel...

seriously cute.

Out to Dinner

warren and katie...

mom and dad...

heidi and kirsten (and evangeline)...

caleb and daddy being silly...

meredith and mommy...


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