Monday, December 26, 2016

Merry Christmas

 Christmas Eve Eve: These 3 helped me make cookies!  They did most of the work, start to finish. Here are pictures of them peeling the kisses wrappers!

 Christmas Eve: In the morning, we opened gifts from out of town family (Phillips, Nana and Papa, and Uncle Warren/Auntie Haley).  Then, as we did last year, we had lunch at our neighbors'. Finally, Grandma and Grandpa joined us for church, dinner (Chinese take out!), and presents!

He loves his magical Marauder's Map mug!
She said "I'm just going to shake this a little bit..."

Sibling gift exchange!
Special friends!

Obligatory picture before church for Mom!


 After church, it's tradition for the kids to change into their new jammies!

She got a lot of great gifts.  This is by far her fave!

 Ready for Christmas morning! Our gift-giving tradition with the kids is that they each receive 3 gifts from us (to represent the 3 gifts that Jesus received from the wise men)....and then smaller gifts in their stockings.  This year, I "fudged" it a bit and each kiddo got 1 gift that was actually a few gifts wrapped together (all along the same theme). But for all intents and purposes, they each have 3 separate gifts under the tree.  I buy 4 different wrapping papers, and they each have a small piece of "their"wrapping paper in their stocking, which is how they know which presents are theirs.

Merry Christmas! 

At breakfast this year, we each opened a Christmas "cracker" that Nana and Papa sent to us (British Christmas tradition!). We also traditionally have Monkey Bread and Daddy reads the Christmas story.



Present time!


 We hosted Christmas dinner...

Love this...Norah and Charlotte are having a "tea party" with Cubby!

And today was spent at home all day, in our PJs, playing with new stuff and relaxing (I managed to read an entire book!)...


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