Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Phone Photo Dump 57

Norah LOVES Baby N.  Seriously loves her.  She loves to help take care of her, and wants to be with her ALL.THE.TIME. She refused to take a picture this morning unless baby girl was in it.  She also loves to make silly faces.  Oh, and she loves DRESSES.  I had to work hard to convince her to wear this outfit today....but how cute does she look?!

 Shane is taking Kindergarten very seriously.  Every day, he writes.  And writes and writes some more.  His inventive spelling is so fun!  And how about this for a great reminder?

He is our savior
We forgive others
God is our savior
God is our promise savior
 It's FALL!

At our last girls' night, we made these block pumpkins.  So easy, and so fun!
Baby N!  She is getting a bit mobile....lots of rolling and backwards scooting!
Fun times at Old Navy!

N reading to N. :)

Meredith's 1st goal of the season!


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