I feel like I am losing steam a bit with a new recipe each week. While I enjoy cooking and learning new things to make, it's obviously a lot easier to just stick with those meals I have made a thousand times and always have in the back of my head. That being said, this week's "new" recipe is really not that new; although I have not followed this exact recipe, I have made BBQ chicken pizza many times before, usually just making up the ingredients and measurements as I go. Ingredients and measurements that are pretty much the same as what's in this recipe! So, while this was the first time I have actually followed a recipe for BBQ chicken pizza, it's not anything too new. Oh well.
Here's the recipe. It was easy and tasty. I used about 2 cups of chicken instead of 3 and that was more than enough. And, I used the suggested amounts of cheese, although in my opinion it was too much (Kris thought it was just right). Oh, and I served it with popcorn....it was one of those kinda nights.