This weekend, we are heading up to Hayward, Wisconsin. We will be staying at the same "resort" where we went for many summers during my childhood. While it has been many years since we have been up there, I anticipate that many things will be the least I hope they are! Ice cream snickers at the lodge, "I Wish They All Could Be California Girls" on the jukebox, the pontoon boat, that really cool tire swing, a weekly singalong, and of! I suppose there are a few memories I hope to not recreate this time around....namely, getting lost in the woods. Seriously, Kir, weren't we lost for like 10 hours or something?
I have lots of great memories (well as many memories as a girl with an awful memory can have!) of this place, and I am sure many more will be brought up over the course of this upcoming week. I also anticipate playing a lot of games of "Celebrity", spending much time trying to prevent Meredith from eating dirt and leaves and sticks, and teaching Caleb to put a worm on a hook.
It should be a great time for all.
Just for fun, here are a few photos from back in the day...
My sister and her catch of the day...

Me (rocking the bandanna around the neck) and my little brother with Mom...oh, and a really big fish that I am pretty sure now hangs in my parents' screened porch!

Our sweet cool was it that we could just lay the back seats down and hang out in the back the whole ride up...sans seat belts?!