If you look back to this post, you'll see a cute video and some cute photographs of an 11-month old little (not so little!) Caleb learning to walk, with the help of "Mr. Lion."
Well, it's Little Sister's turn. She actually doesn't seem to have too much interest in walking. She is a crawling maniac, and loves to climb (up the stairs, over toys and people, etc.). She does enjoy walking while you hold her hands, and "cruising" around furniture, but overall seems pretty content to get around on all 4s, at least for now. We know that will change, and a whole new world will open up to all of us when she does decide to take those steps!
In the meantime, we are just enjoying this stage!

Well, it's Little Sister's turn. She actually doesn't seem to have too much interest in walking. She is a crawling maniac, and loves to climb (up the stairs, over toys and people, etc.). She does enjoy walking while you hold her hands, and "cruising" around furniture, but overall seems pretty content to get around on all 4s, at least for now. We know that will change, and a whole new world will open up to all of us when she does decide to take those steps!
In the meantime, we are just enjoying this stage!