Saturday, August 10, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Meredith Grace!

 This little baby girl... not ONE...

Side note: is it just me, or does this look like it could be a picture of Norah (in a few months) with Shane in the background, even though it's Meredith with Caleb in the background?  Weird.....
 ...or TWO...

 ...or even THREE years old today.

 Our Meredith is FOUR years old! Our sweet (and sometimes sassy), smart, loving, silly, girly, and determined little girl is so excited to be 4.  She has been counting down the days until her big birthday, and is just so proud to be 4 years old.  

Birthday door with FOUR balloons!

Meredith picked out her new top from Nana & Papa to wear for her special day.  It's a little big for her at this point, but she really wanted to wear it, so we are going for the 80s off-the-shoulder look (channeling her inner Kelly Kapowski perhaps?).  Thanks, Nana & Papa!

Speaking of Nana & Papa, they also sent Meredith this beautiful twirly dress, and she absolutely loves to dress up in it, and of course....twirl.

More decorations!


 Our foyer "Welcome" sign...

Caleb made his sissy a very sweet card...nevermind that he spelled her name wrong.

Birthday Girl!

Ready to go out for breakfast with Daddy...

She loves the puzzle she got from the Phillips fam!

 We packed a picnic lunch and headed to a new-to-us park in Geneva (the town just south of ours).  Island Park was a lot of fun...they had a playground (with a zipline!) and great places to explore.

Not the best picture of anyone, but the only one I got of the crew eating lunch by the river.

 Underneath the train bridge...

 This afternoon, I took Meredith to get her haircut and then we went to Target because she wanted to pick out some shoes.  =)

 The rest of the day, we spent playing outside and taking a bike ride/walk around the neighborhood.  Last year, for her 3rd birthday, we gave Meredith her bike and she rode it for the first time.  It's hard to believe that she is now riding that same bike with no training wheels just 1 year later!

And of course, some treats to celebrate our special girl...

Next weekend, we will be having a little birthday party for Meredith & Caleb, so stay tuned for more birthday fun then.


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