Wednesday, August 21, 2013

1st of 1st

 To say that Caleb is excited for this school year is an understatement.  As hard as it is to see my 1st baby growing up, it's equally wonderful to see him so ready for something.  As confident as we were last year at this time that home school was the best thing for our family, we are just as confident that for this year, traditional school is the way to go. 

Yesterday, Caleb got to visit his classroom & meet his teacher, Mrs. D.  He made her a card, and a bead bracelet (his idea to give jewelry!).  We also gave her a Starbucks gift card, because "teachers need coffee" (my words, not Caleb's)!

 My camera had an unfortunate accident in the parking lot of the school, just before going in yesterday, so I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked.  But, I did snap one on my phone....Caleb was super excited about his desk and the classroom.  He didn't want to leave!

And, the much-anticipated 1st day of school...

Caleb helped me pick out this outfit...he said, "I love orange and I love plaid".  

 Have I mentioned that he was excited?

 My big 1st grader.

 Caleb has become very good friends with our next-door neighbor, E.  They are in the same class this year!

 Meredith was a little sad this morning, wondering why she couldn't go to school also.  She starts after Labor Day.

 Walking (flying?) to the bus stop....I wish this wasn't blurry!

Caleb has been more than excited to take the bus to school.  When it pulled up though, he kind of just stood there staring at it for a few seconds.  I had to urge him to get in line to board, and although he did so very willingly, I could sense a very small amount of hesitation. 

 We are thankful for his good friend, who is a pro at riding the bus to school.  She is sweet and caring, and has done a great job at telling Caleb what to expect.  I can't wait to hear all about his day when he gets home!

While I didn't cry today (so much going on, no time for that!), my heart is heavy.  Not in a bad-heavy kind of way, but in just a very reflective and thankful yet also a little sad kind of way.  It's amazing to watch my firstborn be so brave and so ready for something new.  I am very thankful for the extra year we had him home last year, and feel beyond blessed that I got to be the one to teach him so many foundational things.  A big part of me already misses that, and longs to just keep him home again.  But, I am trusting God to go with my boy each day, to comfort him, strengthen Him, and help him to grow and learn.  I am trusting God for those same things for his Momma as well.

Caleb, I am going to miss you during these days of school!


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