Saturday, August 28, 2010

Caleb is THREE!

Caleb turned three this past Thursday, August 26th.

Wow. I can't believe it!

My baby is three...that seems so....OLD!

This year is going to be a big one for us. Caleb is starting preschool this upcoming week, we are signing him up for soccer, he moves up a class at church, and he no longer qualifies for the free/discounted tickets at many things, as he is no more a part of the "ages 2 and under" crowd!

I have definitely been feeling a bit mushy about this whole thing recently, and have a feeling I am going to be, ahem, a bit emotional on Monday morning when we drop him off at his first day of preschool. But that will be for another BLOG post...=)

For now, sit back and enjoy a few photos from our firstborn's birthday. We celebrated in the mountains of North Carolina with Nana and Papa, Uncle Kyle and Aunt Heidi. Caleb woke up to a special "3" balloon and streamers, along with his favorite breakfast - French Toast. We spent a good part of the day at Asheville's Fun Depot, where we played mini-putt and some arcade games, and had lunch. After dinner we celebrated with brownies and ice cream (Caleb is not a big fan of cake), and presents.

We had a great day celebrating our very special boy. And, we were blessed to be able to share it with Nana, Papa, and Uncle Kyle, as we are not often with them during these milestones.

Birthday breakfast...

3 Year Old Smile!


He had some fun, I think. =)

The golfers (Meredith didn't golf, but this is proof that we didn't leave her back at the cabin)...


Taking a ride...

"Happy Birthday to you..."

Yes, he spit a little bit on the brownies...

Playing the new game he got from Nana and Papa...

We love you, Little Buddy! You have blessed our lives in more ways that we could ever have imagined.


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