I am so thankful for all the dads in our life....my father, my father-in-law, and of course, my wonderful husband who is an amazing daddy to our little ones! Kris is such a patient, loving, intentional father and takes his role as a dad very seriously. He is so great at seizing "teachable moments" to point the kids (especially Caleb at this point) to God's Word. I love him so much and can't imagine being a Mom without him as my partner in parenting!
Pancake breakfast before church!

Attempting a photo before church....not so successful...

And, later in the day...a bit more successful (with the Father's Day card Caleb picked out)!

And, a few of my favorite photos of Kris with the kiddos...
With C and M (both just a few days old)...

And, more recently...

Pancake breakfast before church!
Attempting a photo before church....not so successful...
And, later in the day...a bit more successful (with the Father's Day card Caleb picked out)!
And, a few of my favorite photos of Kris with the kiddos...
With C and M (both just a few days old)...

And, more recently...