Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our Refrigerator

I love that the outside of our refrigerator has become "home" to special creations by Caleb!

He really enjoys doing "projects" and I have to admit, I love doing them too! We color, paint, and have recently tested out a cut/paste activity. Well, I did the cutting, but Caleb did a great job sticking the letters (cut out of a magazine) onto the paper! I need to get some kid-friendly scissors so that he can start doing that part as well. That will be fun...=)

Most of the things on the fridge are projects he has brought home from church. This is his first year being in a class at church where they have structured activities for the kids to every Sunday, while we are in the worship service and every Wednesday, while I am in Entrusted, Caleb gets to do a craft. It is so exciting to pick him up, check out what craft he did, and have him tell me what they learned about that day.

Here is a picture of our fridge. The teacher in me really wants to put up a bulletin board in our kitchen to display his work, but for now we'll just settle for the front of the refrigerator. =)

And here is a picture from some weeks ago, with Caleb wearing the craft he brought home that day...a "safe" that says "God's Word keeps me safe".

It is so great to see Caleb learning so much....I absolutely love being home with him, seeing him learn and helping him learn (I definitely have plenty of opportunities to get my teaching fix!).

From letters to lyrics, from Bible stories to Thomas stories, from puzzles to how to hit a baseball, and all sorts of other things....each day with our little boy is a new adventure!


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